Funerary Landscapes of the Late Antique oecumene, Heidelberg, 30 mai-1er juin

Funerary Landscapes of the Late Antique Oecumene. Contextualizing Epigraphic and Archeological Evidence of Mortuary Practices

Colloque international, 30 mai-1er juin 2019

Funerary practices and epitaphs are a central research eld of Classical Studies. Especially in times of social, political and religious change, evidence from the tombs and their surroundings is a key factor in our understanding of continuity and transformation processes on multiple cultural levels. Late Antiquity was doubtlessly one of such transitional phases. However, research on burial practices and tomb inscriptions of this period is still very uneven. Although hundreds of necropoleis, coemeterial churches and individual tombs are known across the Late Antique World, a holistic documentation including epigraphic, iconographic, spatial and social analysis, as well as anthropological examination and natural scientic data, is mostly lacking. Through this conference we would like to undertake a start to ll some lacunae on Late Antique funerary research. First, we will try to link as many disciplines as possible in order to draw a more complete picture of sepulchral habits of Late Antiquity as it hitherto has been done. Secondly, we intend to give – for the rst time – a Mediterranean-wide overview on Late Antique funerary landscapes, not only examining global trends, but also local and regional habits. Thirdly, we want to illustrate the potential of new contextual approaches; questions on the materiality and design of epitaphs and tombs, their visibility, perception and accessibility will be central guidelines of our conference.

Colloque organisé avec le soutien de la DFG et de la Hochschule für Jüdische Studien de Heidelberg.

Lieu :
Große Mantelgasse, 4
69 117 Heidelberg

Contacts :
Stefan Ardeleanu (st.ardeleanu(at)
Jon C. Cubas Díaz (jon.cubas.diaz(at)

Légende :Tipasa, enclos funéraire lié á la basilique dite d’évêque Alexandre

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Nicolas Laubry (22 mars 2019). Funerary Landscapes of the Late Antique oecumene, Heidelberg, 30 mai-1er juin. Transitions funéraires. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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